Environmental Justice Related Document Number 34

To IERG’s Member Representatives and Environmental Justice Workgroup:

Due to lower than expected response rate, we’ve elected to extend the deadline to respond to the below-survey to Friday, May 29th.  If you have not yet responded, please contact IERG Staff at iergstaff@ierg.org with your response or any questions that you may have.


From: IERG Staff <iergstaff@ierg.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2020 3:05 PM
Subject: IERG Survey – Environmental Justice-Related Experiences

To IERG’s Member Representatives and Environmental Justice Workgroup:

IERG is interested in compiling any policies or activities that Member companies have in place related to environmental justice, and/or your experiences in dealing with environmental justice issues in Illinois.

Please take a few minutes to consider and provide information regarding the following:

  • Does your company have a formal public policy regarding EJ?
    • If so, would you provide IERG with a copy, and may IERG share that with other Members?
    • If not, has it considered doing so, and why did it decide to not do so?
  • Does your company have any unofficial/internal policies regarding EJ?
    • If so, would you be willing to share a copy with IERG to be kept internally, but which may be utilized for examples in an anonymous fashion?
  • Does your company have experience in dealing with EJ-specific or other community groups in Illinois?
    • Can you share what your experience has been?
  • Does your company have experience in working with the Illinois EPA in its EJ policy implementation?
    • Can you share what your experience has been?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share with IERG regarding your thoughts on EJ issues in Illinois?

With regard to any information provided above, IERG will maintain Members’ confidentiality where requested, however, IERG does hope to compile all information received (anonymously where appropriate) and will share that compiled information with its Members.

Please provide responses by Monday, May 18th.  If you have questions or would care to discuss any of the above, please contact IERG Staff at iergstaff@ierg.org.