Join us for a review on State resources provided to small and mid-size businesses to learn how to accurately calculate air emissions. This course is helpful for contractors, subcontractors and new staff at larger facilities.
Join us for a breakdown of the air permitting process and ROSS registration in Illinois. Ross Cooper from the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP), located within the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO), is developing a webinar training series to help break the process down into more manageable parts and create a reference tool you can refer to as your business grows and changes. Part 2 will focus on calculating air emissions with emphasis on understanding the math behind each equation and what your results might mean for your business.
Overview of the IPCB, its role in environmental regulatory development and how it interacts with the Illinois EPA
Join us for an Illinois Air Quality update with the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO) Executive Director, Zac Adelman. Updates on the newly adopted PM2.5 standard and the potential impacts to Illinois will be provided. Additional discussion will take place surrounding wildfires and exceptional events classifications.
Are you a small or mid-size business or new to the Environmental Health & Safety professional? This webinar is for you! Join us for an introduction on State resources provided to small and mid-size businesses and to understand if your business needs an environmental permit to operate. This course is also helpful for contractors, subcontractors and new staff at larger facilities.
Join us for a breakdown of the air permitting process and ROSS registration in Illinois. Ross Cooper from the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP), located within the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO), is developing a webinar training series to help break the process down into more manageable parts and create a reference tool you can refer to as your business grows and changes. Part 1 will act as an introduction and help you determine whether an air permit is needed. Subsequent parts will build on topics introduced in Part 1, later discussing applying for a permit and reading and complying with an issued permit.
Join us for a discussion of what information disclosures the IEPA can and cannot request of your business, and steps to effectively manage the process. ArentFox Schiff environmental attorneys Frank Lyons and Andy Sawula will share lessons learned from two decades of experience managing responses to EPA information requests. Learn about the scope of EPA’s authority to request information under a variety of environmental laws, a company’s obligation to respond, practical tips and best practices for efficiently and effectively managing the process.
Join us for an overview of current Illinois and Federal Environmental Justice actions taken up to date and an explanation of how the topic might evolve over the next decade.